Category: Stream of Conciousness

  • Moments


    Another archived post that just didn’t feel quite ‘right’ being put out there when I wrote it. Some moments take place in what feel like clusters. Sometimes, like now, we go so long without anything really standing out. Remembering the things that have the power to make us feel most alive is so important in this…

  • Time


    One year ago today I was leaving my first year of college behind. One year ago today I found out that I got no scholarships or aid from my study abroad program. One year ago today I thought I would have to last-minute enroll at my local community college because it was too late to…

  • A Semester of Seeing

    A Semester of Seeing

    ‘I have never really known what path I wanted my life to take, and I don’t think I really found it until I was already in the middle of the road.’ I wrote this on December 16, exactly one week before I left the ship that had so quickly become home to me. As this…

  • Post SAS Depression- Coming ‘Back’

    Post SAS Depression- Coming ‘Back’

    What happens after living on a ship for four months? What happens after seeing 13 countries in a row? What about after you leave your friends-turned-family and the people you saw every. single. day. ? Coming back signifies a sort of regression- ‘back’ in to the way that things have always been or ‘back’ in…

  • Thankful & THRIVING

    Thankful & THRIVING

    This year, more than ever, I am so thankful to have a family and friends that I miss so dearly. I’ve always been so aware of how lucky I am to be so close to my family and be able to spend every holiday together. Now that that’s not the case, I am even more…

  • The Value of Things

    I was quite literally in the middle of having a mini breakdown tonight, because an anklet that means a lot to me started to unravel somehow. Foolishly, I expected to have it with me forever. It’s made of the kind of material that makes up the handles on kayaks, so its durable, waterproof and it…