Tag: Ireland
Another archived post that just didn’t feel quite ‘right’ being put out there when I wrote it. Some moments take place in what feel like clusters. Sometimes, like now, we go so long without anything really standing out. Remembering the things that have the power to make us feel most alive is so important in this…
Ireland- Rediscovery & Family Reunions
It’s funny, that Ireland wound up to be the first place I spent any real time abroad after my semester running around the world. Ireland was the first country I flew to on my own, my first (albeit four hours of) solo travel, and the place that I first realized how lucky I am to…
Dublin, Ireland – Travel and Trinity
It’s funny, flying makes you realize how inconsequential things are, how small your world really is. To see entire towns from above is to see how tiny the biggest buildings can appear and, in comparison, how incredibly small people are. As we flew over Dublin at 4 in the morning, it appeared as a glowing…