Category: Fall 2021

  • Another November- Thankful in Tulum

    Another November- Thankful in Tulum

    Fall, Years Ago Fall used to be my least favourite time of year. It always seemed as if time was slipping away in ways I couldn’t quite keep up with.  As the daylight drained away, it just so happened that events in my own life lined up to create a season that felt sad and…

  • California Dreaming

    California Dreaming

    When I was in eighth grade, we had to do a project about what school we wanted to go to in the future and I immediately thought of California. In ninth grade, I bought a UCLA sweatshirt that felt like a great callback to that project.  During my senior year, we spent 10 days between…

  • Iceland- Fire and Ice

    Iceland- Fire and Ice

    Watching bright red magma begin to bubble and flow over the basin of barely cooled, yet already black and hardened, rock was a moment that reminded me of what it means to be alive. As the lava gushed upward, arcing through the air so gracefully and so deadly, the rock beneath it pulsed like the…